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Tinkering Story #09 – Ancient Light

The Temple of Poseidon is one of Greece’s most known archaeological sites. I’ve been there so many times that I have lost count of them. I have visited and photographed the ancient temple by night and day from nearly all possible angles. I recall a shooting, years ago. A group of astrophotographers, chasing a partial solar eclipse, over the Temple of Poseidon, from a 2-kilometre distance. We were waiting on the top of a hill with our telescopes and cameras.… Read More »Tinkering Story #09 – Ancient Light

Tinkering Story #08 – Night Sky and Wilton Windmill

This is my favourite windmill in England! I have been there a few times and taken a couple of shots I would like to share. I will keep updating this page, with more Wilton Windmill nightscapes. No matter how well-planned a shooting is, there is always the possibility that something goes wrong.But not this time! Tonight everything was on my side. The weather was fine, the view to the Windmill was unobstructed, thin clouds created a nice halo around the… Read More »Tinkering Story #08 – Night Sky and Wilton Windmill

Tinkering Story #07 – 12 hour Star Trails

One of the most exciting aspects of astrophotography is the number of challenges, one must face in an effort to capture the elusive twinkling stars. Star Trails are relatively simple. You just put a camera and a wide lens on a tripod and take continuous shots for a couple of hours. After stacking the photos you get the apparent motion of stars in a single frame. But what about capturing all-night star trails during the longest night of the year?… Read More »Tinkering Story #07 – 12 hour Star Trails

Tinkering Story #06 – Frozen Caversham, Reading UK

The day is December 11, 2022. After a night in thick fog and below-zero temperatures, my neighbourhood in Caversham, Reading was transformed into a World of tiny crystals! I knew I had to do something about it (!) so I grabbed my faithful Nikon D600 camera, put on a reversed lens for macro photography, and stormed towards View Island to capture the tiny crystals on frozen spider webs. My favourite photo is the first one. Small, delicate and ephemeral. A… Read More »Tinkering Story #06 – Frozen Caversham, Reading UK

Tinkering Story #04 – Joe the Alien Astrophotographer – Deep Sky photography under £500

This is the story of an alien that travelled 4.246 light years to learn some basic stuff about Earth’s astrophotography. I was the first Earthling he came across so he asked me, how we shoot the stars.Joe has no clue about the equipment or the techniques we use so I tried to teach him the basics. Telescopes, lenses, cameras, mounts, tripods, shooting and post-process techniques. With so many choices, Joe doesn’t know where to start so I’m here to suggest… Read More »Tinkering Story #04 – Joe the Alien Astrophotographer – Deep Sky photography under £500

Tinkering Story #01 – GreekSky

Hi!I’m Chris from Athens, Greece and currently living in Reading, UK. I’m into astrophotography since 2007.Photography gave me the opportunity to travel, make friendships, and see a few of my photos published. For the last 15 years, it’s been a lot of shooting, studying photography and post-process techniques, a lot of try and error, many, many, many failures and a few brilliant successes! I’m not a professional photographer but a keen amateur, devoted to capturing this ‘perfect shot’ even if… Read More »Tinkering Story #01 – GreekSky

Tinkering Story #02 – Full Spectrum, Astrophotography and Infrared Modified Camera FAQ

Welcome to my Frequently Asked Questions section. This is the page where I post all the questions I receive in my eBay shop, regarding Full Spectrum, Astrophotography and Infrared camera conversions. I’m happy to answer any question related to camera modifications, filters to use depending on your requirements, lenses, photography techniques or even talk about your favourite photography spot! I do hope you find this helpful. Feel free to make comments and suggestions.

Tinkering Story #03 – Night and Day on a Little Planet

360° panorama. 24-hour duration. This is a 360° ‘little planet’ panorama and also a 24-hour picture! I was wondering if it was possible to visualize a full day in a photo capturing the motion of stars during the night and our own solar system star, the Sun during the day. The fact that this was never attempted before made it more appealing, so I decided to give it a try! I started the morning of December 30, 2010, and I… Read More »Tinkering Story #03 – Night and Day on a Little Planet